Recently at work, I was asked to fill out the following questionnaire for camaraderie building purposes. I found the questions, while light, a fun exercise for self-discovery. So give these questions a shot; post it or keep it private but have fun with it –
Who was your favorite celebrity as a child?
- Jim Carrey because of Ace Ventura Pet Detective.
What type of pets do you have?
- None. I’m not an animal lover. I know, I know… I receive an unreasonable amount of grief for this.
What is your favorite color?
- Orange and Blue (Well aware this isn’t one color).
What is most memorable about your high school years?
- The friendships formed with the guys I played football with. I couldn’t think of a more diverse group of people in one locker room – from race, religion, and socioeconomic status – and not once did it matter. I’m equally proud of seeing the men they have become.
What word describes you best?
- Curious.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
- Time will tell.
What drives you every day?
- To be a better person than yesterday.
What is your favorite food?
- Toughest one yet! Junk food – An Italian beef combo dipped; healthy food – protein shake.
Where do you want to retire?
- What’s that?
Where do you like to vacation?
- Colorado for skiing.
Who do you admire most?
- Anyone with the courage to make the right decision regardless of how loud the criticism will be.
What is your life’s mission?
- To become a person that can always make the right decision regardless of how loud the criticism will be.
If you were invisible, where would you go?
- This one can get me in trouble…
What traits in others do you admire?
- Humor, courage, loyalty, and sincerity.
What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?
- My parents leaving their home and loved ones in order to raise their children in the United States.
How do you want to be remembered?
- As a good person who lived a LONG TIME.
What would you do with a million dollars?
- Invest wisely; then revisit the question asked earlier about retirement.
If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? Why?
- An expert boat builder.
You have a 10 minute speech to a group of youth, what is it about?
- It’s never too late…. You always think it is during the moment, but this is the worst advice you can give yourself. This reminds me of a Chinese proverb I love – “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”